Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A bit late but this is an update

Well it sure has been a long time since i came on here and blogged about my internship. the reason is quite simple up until the other day not to much had gone on at my internship. First i guess i should fill in how my internship at KQED came to fruition. Initially I wanted to intern at the Exploratorium, unfortunately I was not able to work in the hours need to do so (also they were terrible at getting back to me). Leslie Rule on the other hand was and is fabulous over at KQED. I went over there about a month ago to meet with here and discuss the possibilities of interning there. She explained to me two projects she was working on. One being place based education and the other a wireless art symposium. For the location based education we will be working with two schools here in the city one a continuation high school and the other balboa high school. The goal is to develop and implement educational practices built up around a technology that all of the students have...cell phones.This is still in the preliminary stages so i don't really have much else to report, and as to the symposium i will be giving it its own blog post.

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