Thursday, March 19, 2009

610 Project: Venting Station

Well we are at midterms and my project is still under going some changes. While the idea is still the same, being that i want to create art installations where people are invited to participate in the creation of the final piece, but the purpose seems to be evolving. I'm thinking about naming my installations "Venting Stations." In today's fast paced and frantic pace it is very easy to get weighed down buy stress and anxiety. My goal is to place these venting stations around the city and provide a release point were people can vent and let go of some off the things that are bogging them down. While it is true we all living in a streamlined digital age where more and more people are blogging about there lives, but i feel there is still a need for a tangible space for venting especially because when you are done you can physically walk away from it. Essentially leaving what ails you behind.

While designing this i ran into quite a few problems, number one being cost. I am quite broke at the moment and many of the materials i was thinking were just to expensive (i.e. wood, metals), also these materials would be too heavy for me to transport and set up. I decided it would be best if i constructed the booth out of PVC pipe and connectors. This makes the booth very light weight and portable.
Another problem facing my original design was that it was going to be fully enclosed on 3 sides. I initially thought this would be a great idea because it provided a lot of writing space, but then Paula enlightened me to the idea that if something were set up like that in public some people might use it as a discrete place to urinate. To fix this I made the "booth" portion only at the top so the lower limbs are visible to all those around.

And on the right is a mock up i made using Sketchup. Try and envision a curtain covering the opening. i just don't know how to create that effect in Sketch up.

Below is a list of materials i will need to make this project

3-way Ell connectors, 8 @ $1.90 = 15.20

Tee connectors, 2 @ $1.30 = $2.60

4-way connectors, 2 @ $2.00 = $4.00

PVC pipe, 50' @$ 2.33 = $11.15

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