Tuesday, April 7, 2009

SF Muni vs. The Wall

So after some discussion in class about the wall in israel, and possible ways of interpreting it, i decided a good way to try and contextualize it in local way was to do an overlay of it onto the transit routes in San Francisco. I think a lot of us, myself included, take the transit system here for granted. I have been known to piss and moan about 15min-45min delays on the bus/train, but it became very apparent that i have no room to complain. With the vast expanse and complexity of the wall in Israel public transit must be hell. I didn't really visualize this until i did the overlay. After i layered the two images (sf transit map and wall diagram), i saw that a functional, efficient transit system is impossible. While the layouts of the two regions are very different, i realized that imposing an arbitrary wall over the city would reek havoc on the transit system. There were only a few routes that would be unaffected by such a wall. What was an even bigger surprise was that most of the major routes would pass through the wall 2-3 times at least. If such a system were in place i could easily see it taking many hours to get through the city if there were check points. This in a city which usually takes less then an hour.

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